East Robertson Cheerleaders

2008-2009 Basketball Schedule

April 13th

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Note to the Big Graduating Class of 2009:
We would love to say what an honor it has been to have cheered with you this year. We hope that whatever dreams you have for your future that they all may come true.

From Ms. Donna:
I want to say that it has been my greatest pleasure this year and last year to have been a part of your girls life's. I have known most of you girls for years and to be able to watch you grow and become the fine young women you have become has been an experience that I will never forget. You group of seniors are a group that will never be forgotten. Good luck SENIORS!!!!!!
Audio clip of a cheer has been added.
You may need to download QuickTime
to be able to hear it. You can download QuickTime


Left to Right:
Top Row: Sarah Black, Randi Binkley, Summer Childress, Cheyanne Watson, Nikki Boyd, Mandy Cook, and Tiffany Bishop
Bottom Row: Bethanie Duncan, Alyssa Livermore, Brittany Kelley, Jessica Rollins, Hannah Stark
Not Pictured: JeriLynn Miles


East Robertson High School Website

When I say "E" you say "E"
When I say "A" you say "A"
When I say "S" you say "S"
When I say "T" you say "T"
When I say"#1" you say"#1"
EAST is #1

Please contact Ms. Donna if you have any questions or concerns at:
or at the phone number you were given at the beginning of the season.
If you are e-mailing regarding a cheerleader on the team,
please put her name in the subject line.
Thank you!

Please send an e-mail to Shelly Henderson,

webmaster@erhs-cheerleaders.com for any other information regarding this site.